Friday, December 16, 2011

Client Side Mask using af:clientListener and inputText

I just created very simple case of client side mask using af:clientListener and inputText on ADF application. We are using that functionality for unexpected data enter of users.

We can use many other javascript frameworks for that functionality. Ex: JQuery etc…

I described step by step:

1. First I have created javascript file for mask. My application structure shows below:

2. My lazy javascript file. We can use some expression for this.

3. So now I drag and drop af:clientListener from Component Pallete. This clientListener works on keyPress.

4. Final interface shows below. Now we can type only letter and only number on each inputText.

I attached my simple application. SimpleClientSIdeMask

Thursday, November 24, 2011

MySQL Stored Procedure with ADF Application

I have one situation with mysql stored procedure with ADF application, which are how to call mysql stored procedure from ADF application. Also stored procedure returns string of values (concat).

First i write stored procedure in MySQL database:

And after i call from Application Module client:

Finally we can use this client method from any side. (Task Flow etc...).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My first blog

Dear All,

It is my first blog. I'll share all my knowledge with to you :-).
Doing by learning and One life, live it.

Best regards,