I just created very simple case of client side mask using af:clientListener and inputText on ADF application. We are using that functionality for unexpected data enter of users.
We can use many other javascript frameworks for that functionality. Ex: JQuery etc…
I described step by step:
1. First I have created javascript file for mask. My application structure shows below:
2. My lazy javascript file. We can use some expression for this.
3. So now I drag and drop af:clientListener from Component Pallete. This clientListener works on keyPress.
4. Final interface shows below. Now we can type only letter and only number on each inputText.
I attached my simple application. SimpleClientSIdeMask
2. My lazy javascript file. We can use some expression for this.
3. So now I drag and drop af:clientListener from Component Pallete. This clientListener works on keyPress.
4. Final interface shows below. Now we can type only letter and only number on each inputText.
I attached my simple application. SimpleClientSIdeMask